
Wwe 2k18 ps4 download
Wwe 2k18 ps4 download

Sure, a number of these mishaps are funny, but there are others that actively ruin the experience on a larger scale, whether it's the game crashing every single time there's a promo in Universe mode, or the way M圜areer struggles to keep track of your allies and rivals, even forcing you to wrestle yourself in championship title matches. From Superstars getting trapped inside inanimate objects and being teleported around the arena referees not counting pins in eight-person tag matches the Royal Rumble completely breaking due to Superstars failing to appear when their number is called or the way the Elimination Chamber acts as a proverbial cooking pot for a concoction of ludicrous glitches, WWE 2K18 is a messy experience. While the AI is passable at best and dim-witted at worst, there are also myriad glitches spread throughout its various match types and game modes. This isn't WWE 2K18's only technical issue either. This is essentially the same game as it was last year, with a few incremental additions edging the needle closer to the authenticity the series strives for. This is nothing new, of course, and if you haven't enjoyed the series' methodical pacing and restrictive over-reliance on counters in the past, WWE 2K18 is unlikely to change your mind.

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As a visual representation of the product we see on TV each week, it's definitely impressive, and this devotion to realism extends to the gameplay, too. Muscles are defined and flex when a Superstar heaves an opponent over their shoulders, veins bulge under the strain of submissions, and even Finn Balor's demon paint gradually peels off over the course of a match. Small details, like stretch marks and surgery scars, also contribute to WWE 2K18's graphical showcase.

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And while there are some disparities between the poor saps at the bottom of the card and those at the very top, the gap isn't as significant as it has been in previous years, with entrances remaining a dazzling highlight. WWE's superlative lighting, character models, and motion captured animations bring each star of the squared circle to life with startling accuracy.

Wwe 2k18 ps4 download